Sunday, 8 December 2013


Hello Sunday!
This means magazines, warm cups of tea/coffee, nail polish, oversized sweater and thick woolen socks. At least that's how I spend it this morning. 
It's extremely cold outside and not even minus 0 yet, you literally can't go outside without gloves, a beanie and a big warm -fur- coat. 
Lately almost every blogger is writing about changing/chopping/dying their hair. Meanwhile my hair got longer and longer - which was getting a little bit boring, thinner and very inefficient.. So after some doubts, talks withs my friends and trying to get the look with some pins in the mirror, I decided to just chop the hair. 
Usually I'm not really satisfied when I leave the hairdresser, but this time I really am happy with the result. (You can see the result below) And no the right side is not longer than the left.. :)
So Christmas is coming up, what are your plans this year? 

-Picture is taken in a Zara changing room mirror-