Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Good Morning Bloggers. For some reason I like to write that with three Capitals. Last night I had trouble falling asleep and this morning I woke up really early. And to be honest it's been like this all week long. The big problem is that I think about too many things at the time I should be asleep. It might be a little early to talk about how to go to sleep, but it's really bothering me. So if you have any tips to fall asleep faster, you would be my hero. At this point I'm tired and just want a good night sleep. :)

But tired or not, there's a lot to do today. It's the final day to pack for London today and I extremely exited!! Packing is not one of my favorite things to do and I always for the last moment to actually do it. (One of my bad habits)
So instead of packing my bag early this morning I went browsing on and that's one of the things I love to do in the morning. You don't have to think about too much just yet and it gives you the opportunity to wake up properly.

Please let me know if you have any tips to fall asleep faster and have a good day. Hugs and Kisses!


  1. Cool pictures!

  2. Succes met inpakken voor London, tips om sneller te slapen heb ik helaas ook niet.. zou ik zelf ook wel kunnen gebruiken X

  3. Leuke foto!!!

    Gaaf veel plezier in London!

    En neem voor mij een bezoekje aan TopShop :D

    Ik net een post ge-upload en ik ben benieuwd naar je mening!



    The Fashion Milkshake
    How cool are fold-able flats?!

  4. oh gaaf Londen! Ik ben jaloers, ik wil er ook weer heen. Maar misschien met de kerst. Ik wens je heel veel plezier. Ga je nog naar een musical?


    1. Super leuk! Dankjewel! Ja dat is wel ons plan :)

  5. I have the worst trouble falling asleep. I'm either too exhausted to sleep, or too rowdy to sleep. I can never win, to be honest. The only thing I could suggest is not to eat for at least an hour before you're thinking about going to bed. :)

    1. Well, I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one. :) Thnx for the tip, I'm definitely going to try that one. :)

  6. Heel veel plezier in Londen! :)
