Saturday, 17 August 2013


Hello dear bloggers! At this very moment I'm enjoying my coffee and chocolate muffin in Starbucks in Camden, London, while writing this blogpost. I'm sorry I didn't update in the last two days like I planned to, but because of all the traveling, shopping and sight seeing I wasn't able to. So as some of you may know, is that this is my first time in London and so far I really like it. 

The first morning (Thursday) we arrived at Luton Airport around 8.40, took the bus and the train to our hotel in Camden. We were way too early to check in, the people who stayed there the day before weren't even checked out yet, so we left out bags at the hotel and started to get to know the neighborhood. We walked into a pub for a cup of coffee and we were almost only surrounded by men in skirts. There was a soccer/football (I'm not sure) match yesterday, so there were a lot of men walking around in their traditional Scottish clothes. Later on we went to SoHo and visited Oxford Street and many more streets I don't know the name of right this moment. 
That also means that I visited the TopShop and I have to say that it was a massive shop and that caused a little chaos in my head. I did buy a bag at TopShop that I will show you guys later.

The day after, Friday, we went to do some touristic things, like visiting the Big Ben (like I've always wanted), going to the London Eye, visit Buckingham Palace. Also the exhibition of the Queens clothes she wore in the last year. That is maybe one of the things I'm most exited about. Do you have any places you'd recommend or something else, please let me know. Have a good day. 
Hugs and Kisses from London!

Just so you know, I'm going to do a few part on London, because it's too much information and there are too many photos to put in one post. Also it'll get really boring if it isn't in a few parts. 


  1. Hola! me ha gustado mucho tu entrada y tambien tu blog!! me pasaré por aquí más a menudo ^^ Un besazo!

  2. Heeel erg leuk, nog veel plezier! X

  3. London is erg leuk, ik was er vorig jaar voor twee weken maar had helaas niet zo veel gezien.
    Ik raad je aan om naar de Abercrombie winkel te gaan, die ligt in Regent Street in de buurt bij Chanel, het is een zijstraat bij Oxford Street!
    En de Westfield is ook wel leuk, het is een gigantische winkelcentrum!
    Veeeeel plezier!


    1. Ahh! Super leuk, dankjewel voor je tip! :)

  4. Ik hou van Londen! Die tentoonstelling lijkt me erg leuk om te zien. Veel plezier nog!
