Sunday, 18 August 2013


Good Morning Bloggers! These are some photos of my second day in London. I'll keep this post very short, because today is my last day here in London. This evening I'm hopping on a plane back home. I just really don't want to leave London just yet or at all. I'm literally in love with London. Everyone is just so incredibly sweet and polite. So this is definitely a place I consider living in, though it's very expensive...
I'll explain the photos I posted to you. As this was my first visit to London and on the first day we didn't do much sight seeing, we went to the Big Ben, Buckingham palace on the second day. (As I told you yesterday) Later that day we went to Mayfair and Convent to shop a bit and eat.
Yes we went to see a musical! Wicked it was. Literally! I loved it and they were so good! I had goosebumps like all the time. What I found funny is that I found out that the Wicked Witch actually originally is from The Netherlands. (Willemijn Verkaik)
I'll post part 3 tomorrow morning. :)

Hugs and Kisses from London!


  1. Wat lijkt me zo'n musical geweldig!

  2. Beautiful photos! Big Ben is looking pretty fierce in the first pic :) I love London so much! x

  3. Aaah ziet er heel leuk uit! X

  4. Londres es genial, que envidia me das! Muchos besos corazón.
